Today was the first full day of construction for us at the worksite in Haiti. And while construction was taking place, we were in charge or removing ruble that was once a building. This involved loading wheelbarrow after wheelbarrow of ruble and taking it about 100 feet or so and dumping it in the street; where it is supposed to be cleaned up by the city at a later date.
We were working in and around existing classrooms and I can only imagine that the construction effort was a bit of a distraction. Especially as one class was being held under a tarp right next to the construction work. We did, however, get to see lots of little smiling faces in their uniforms which can lift your spirits when you think you have lifted the last pound of dirt you could.
After we had worked for the day, or rather when we had no more energy to work, we attended the "Easy English Club" meeting. This is a club held at the church to help the local high school and above members learn to Speak English. The leader of the group, 20 years old, was quite good and uses the scripture to help teach. Today's verse was John 14:6. It was the highlight of my day to participate in the club which was a little bit bible study, a little bit conversation, and a very funny role play scenario between two members.
And while they day was not all ups, they outweighed the downs and I think we accomplished quite a lot.