As was suspected, the stone that was dumped at the end of the day yesterday had to find it's way to from the front of the church to the back where the building site. It did so through the use of shovel, wheelbarrow, and some muscle.
The work seemed a little slower pace for most of the day as the material was getting to the building site faster than it could be used. As such there were more rest periods. During this time we spoke with the translators and others. It turns out that one of these times was just as the school let out and so we were instantly surrounded by children and they spent some time touch our hair and arms out of curiosity. K and I were both also given a kiss by a very young (kindergartner I think) girl. Not exactly sure why, but it was cute.
After dinner tonight the pastor of the church that runs the school spent some time talking with us about Haiti. Topics were from politics, economics, religion, and Haiti's future. It was a very interesting conversation and some of it was recorded on video which I will share when I can.
Two things from this conversation that stuck out for me were the importance of education as a driver to help Haiti recover and the Pastor's belief that it important for people to come to Haiti and not just send money. I guess three things actually stood out as the Pastor also stated that Haiti's recovery will not come from the government, which is largely corrupt and not likely to be less so after the elections; nor will it come from organizations such as the UN, which are largely seen as ineffective by the Haitians. Instead the Pastor believed that Haiti's recovery will come from God working through Christians and the church as we care for each other and respect each other.
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