Saturday, January 19, 2013

One Brick Left

I wasn't able to writ last night because, well, last night was just different. The first difference was that a new group came into the guest house so my room went from a single to a full house. The second difference was that for dinner we went to Pastor Renol's house, more on that later. The last difference was that when we got back to the guest house after dinner my roomies had the lights out and had gone to sleep as they had an early start. They also must have figured that I wasn't coming home as they covered my bunk with someone's stuff and took my pillow. I got my bunk back by carefully moving the stuff, with permission, and then finding a pillow on the one empty bunk.

The good news is that we completed the chicken coop on Friday. It has been renamed the "Lay All You Can" chicken coop which when translated to Creole becomes something like "push down more you can" chicken coop. While there is a sign with the name in both English and Creole I don't think it matters much to the illiterate chickens. And after all the work we ended up with only a single unused cinder block, so the estimates were pretty much right on.

As we finished a bit early we were able to head up to the apartment of the missionary with which we have been working. She lives high up in the hills which gave us a beautiful view if the city. It was a nice time to sit and relax a bit.

Dinner at the Pastor's house was great and we had some traditional Haitian food including an eggplant appetizer followed by chicken is very good sauce mixed with peas, all over rice. I suppose the dessert of pudding was not pudding cups was not traditional, but still good.

The dinner was proceeded by a few beautiful songs from the Pastor's daughters and after dinner those of us with musical talent repaid with songs of our own. It was a fun evening, but it was clear the evening was over when one of our guides ad-libbed the last line of one of the songs with the words "it's late, it's late, it's time to go home."

It was another long but worth while day. And while we were not able to see a chicken take up residency in the coop, they soon will. A lot was accomplished and it laid the ground work for other mission teams to extend the work either through financial support (more chickens) or by extending the working area or capabilities of the chicken farm.

Location:Port-au-Prince Airport

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