Friday, October 28, 2011

On My Way ... China to California

I am sitting in the hotel lobby in the Grand Skylight Garden in downtown Shenzhen, China. This is the town where they produce a lot of the electronics we use in our daily lives, including the iPhone and iPad. I have been here for about 3 weeks for work and am now waiting to catch a bus to Hong Kong to start the trip home.

It has been a busy summer. I have voluntarily changed companies, moved to California, and am working on both selling and buying a house. But still, my thoughts often drift back to Haiti.

To be honest, I am concerned right now. It is the end of October and there are no firm plans for a trip back to Haiti yet. I feel that time is running out to make a trip this year possible. I intellectually understand that these things take time and it is very difficult tonged these things organized, but I find myself impatient. Something I need to work on.

I do communicate with the translators from our last trip now and again via Facebook, but as I have been in China for 3 weeks I have been unable to check in on Facebook as it is blocked in China.

After being away from my family for so long I do not relish being away from them again if a trip to Haiti materializes, but I hope the trip does. I still feel quite a pull to be in Haiti to help in whatever little way I can. But, at this point, I suspect it is a real possibility that I won't make it this year.

Location:Fuzhong Rd,Shenzhen,China

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