What I have decided to do is blog about a quest I am under taking to continue mission work in the Dominican Republic and Haiti. This topic allows for a rather wide range of subjects as I plan to begin with how I got to this point in my life as well as cover the past mission trip to DR/Haiti and plans for future trips to DR/Haiti.
The other thing you may notice is this blog is probably being written for an audience of one, me. I say this because the blog is an attempt to get my thoughts, feelings, etc. documented in a clear fashion so that I may get a better understanding of the situation as opposed to allow people to see what is going on in my head.
This does beg the question, that if this is the purpose, why on earth would you blog as opposed to just write a diary. It is a fair question and I suspect I don't have a good answer, except that perhaps blogging about my mission quest might provide the opportunity for someone else to get in touch with their inner missionary and they could take the plunge too. I don't know much, but I am pretty sure that if you do put yourself out there and stretch your faith and comfort zone, you will be changed.
God Bless
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