I am at LAX right now and it took a lot of generous people to get me here. I would like to thank those that made this mission trip possible by contributing to the funding. Without your gracious support I would not be on my way to Haiti. I honestly can't thank you enough.
My trip to Haiti today and tomorrow takes me from San Jose, to LAX, to JFK, and finally to PAP. The total travel time is around 19 hours when taking into account layovers and flight times. It means that I get to sleep on a plane, but that is a small discomfort considering I am able to travel back to a people and place that I love.
This trip is a medical trip as opposed to the trip in January, which was a construction trip. This means that the team will likely travel to a different area of PaP each day, set up a temporary medical clinic, see as many patients as possible, and then head home for dinner and bed. I also suspect and hope that we will be able to visit the orphanage down the street in the evenings as well.
As I have no medical training my role will be to help set up the clinics, be a gopher for the doctors, help with directing patients to where they need to be, and do my best to entertain the crowd as they sit in the heat for many hours. This last aspect of the mission trip is something I truly enjoy as I get to meet a lot of Haitians and do my best to communicate and make them smile. It is an opportunity to love on a lot of people.
So I sit as patiently as I can waiting for my next flight, which is in 2+ hours, miss my family, and anticipate the week ahead. And while I will miss my family it will be good to get back to what has come to feel like my second home.
God Bless.
Location:World Way,Los Angeles,United States
You will be doing good work and will be in our prayers every day.